Eliminating barriers for people of colour in ministry.
The colour of your skin should never hold you back from fulfilling your calling.
Our mission is to empower people of colour who have been called to serve in positions of ministry, removing financial barriers and other obstacles that prevent fulfillment of this calling.

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.”
— 1 Corinthians 12:12-13
Having witnessed firsthand the racism, prejudice and other barriers that hold people back from fulfilling their calling and their potential, we felt that too little was changing, and too slowly. Simply raising awareness wasn’t driving the change we desperately needed.

The Scholarship.
The Margaret Jung Memorial Scholarship awarded each semester to at least one person of colour entering full-time studies at Master’s College and Seminary.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 each year to fully cover the tuition of one student.
The goal of this scholarship is to help make it more accessible for racialized people to complete their schooling and fulfill their calling from God in instances where finances may make it difficult to do so.
This is just the beginning.
Though we thought this was a good place to start, our dreams for empowering people of colour in the church go far beyond this scholarship. We hope to expand to provide supports in the following areas.
Family education.
In many families a “career” in ministry is not viewed as a viable way to make a living. This can discourage young people from following their call into ministry, cause tension in family relationships, and cause those who do pursue their calling to do so without the emotional or financial support of their family. We hope to develop tools to help families understand and support this calling.
Mental health supports.
Sometimes you just need someone in your corner cheering you on, sometimes you need to vent and sometimes you need a little more. Our hope is to be able to provide wraparound mental health supports to see you flourish in your calling.
Whether you’re considering going to bible college, pursuing full-time ministry, if you’ve just started out in a ministry role, or if you’ve been doing this for years and just need wise counsel from someone who actually knows what you’re going through—we aim to build a network of people of colour in ministry who can help build one another up and offer support and guidance.

Care to join us?
Give today to cover a student’s tuition costs and help future leaders pursue their call to ministry.

Share your story.
We understand that our perspective is just one of many. As we aim to develop programs to support all people of colour who have been called to ministry, we want to hear the stories, experiences and ideas of others who can help contribute to this vision or identify other needs.
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